medical billing service
medical billing service
We offer full practice management and billing solutions. Our services include:
- Process primary, secondary, tertiary insurance claims.
- Follow up with insurance (primary/secondary).
- Post payments to insurance and patient accounts.
- Track unpaid claims and send Letters of Medical Necessity when necessary.
- Provide notification regarding any "Incomplete Claims" which were unable to be processed as a result, or when additional information is required by the insurance carrier to adjudicate claims.
- Follow up on patients' payments and generate patient statements.
- Receive monthly and annual financial analysis and review of medical codes.
- Process Workers Compensation, Rehab, DME Claims with attachments.
- Provide you with comprehensive reports: We can provide you with highly detailed reports with colorful analysis charts and graphics tracking the status of every claim and showing the level of productivity of your practice.
MedOffice provides you more confidence and control. You and your entire office enjoy features like patient scheduling, easy data entry, HIPAA compliance and hundreds of business reports at your fingertips and so much more.
- Frees you of the burden of billing & collections.
- Eliminates provider/patient payment discussion.
- Reduces staff which eliminates sick pay, vacation pay, insurance benefits, etc.
- Eliminates costly & unproductive training periods.
- No capital investment in software and/or hardware.
- Allows you to focus on treating your patients and generating new business.
- Fees based on collection results.
Improper filing causes a high percentage of rejected claims and delayed payments to providers. Rejected and re-processed claims directly impact the cash flow position of any medical practice. These denied claims generally require extensive follow-up and resubmitted claims prior to actual payment by the carrier. Medical claims billing is greatly facilitated through the use of an electronic claims processing system. Our service:
Keeps track of each carrier's specific requirements.
Significantly reduces the rejection percentage.
Greatly accelerates the payment turnaround time.
Are you losing money because of inaccurate billing? Do you want to ensure faster payments and improved cash flows?