Document Management

Solve Your Records Storage Problems!

Scanning and Storing Historical Records – Most doctors usually have a warehouse full of old medical records that are costing them money to keep stored. We scan these documents and store them on digital media for our clients to access and retrieve easily any time.

Here are a few benefits of this service:

Remote data backup & recovery

Backup Your Data Securely Offsite!

Our Remote Backup System works like regular data backup software, with one important difference: Instead of sending backups to a tape drive or other media attached to the computer, it sends the backup over the Internet, regular telephone lines, or other network connections to a secure backup server offsite. It does this at night while computers are not being used. Backups can also be done on-demand, any time.

Most businesses put their lives on the line every night and don’t realize it. With businesses depending more and more on the data stored in their computers, proper backups are becoming much more critical.


Our Backup System addresses three critical issues to successful offsite backup:


Our RBS system 'compresses' the data prior to transfer.


Our system leverages your existing Internet connection. A small annual fee will secure your files and put your mind at ease.


Our system utilizes multiple layers of access encryption and validation triggers.

Are you losing money because of inaccurate billing? Enjoy free CPT and Billing Cost Analysis. We’ll provide you with a detailed report indicating any possible loss of revenue.